Sunday, 6 July 2014

School, Sherlock and Style

The School Life
As part of my SKE course that I'm currently on as a pre-PGCE Teacher Training course, we were sent out to local high schools just to get a feel of what it is like to be back to school again and what it was like back to school but from a teachers perspective. As it hasn't really been a while since I was in high school, it wasn't much of a change of how I remember it being. It's definitely a lot different from a teachers point of view now though as you have access to areas where I may have previous been denied. Also just for being someone other than a teacher at the school or a pupil, you get a lot of inquisitive looks and even questions.

I got to see different teachers teach their IT and Computing lessons which was a good insight to what I would be doing once I start teaching. But what I found a lot of fun was doing a Pupil Trail which basically meant I followed one pupil for the day to all their lessons. At first I was a bit nervous, I must admit, purely because I didn't want the pupil who I was paired up with to feel uncomfortable with me following them around to their lessons. But I soon felt this was not the case as they seemed more than happy to and was so lovely about it. I managed to see an RE, Maths, Music, Science and Food Technology lesson which all brought their very different methods of teaching which was really was great to see.

These few days really reminded me the buzz of a classroom and it's pupils and the fun you could really create with them. And quite honestly, children are the most interesting people you will ever meet because they generate an insight to the world that us adults seem to forget.

This Friday I was supposed to publish a post on Sherlock a Series 1 on my Coach Potato page but I was just so busy with my mini school placement and so pooped out by the end of it, I just hadn't got any time to produce it. But don't worry, it's definitely on the to do list!

Having said that, a very exciting Sherlock related announcement was made this week almost to cover up the lack of my Sherlock post! On Wednesday, Mark Gatiss and BBC One on twitter decided to be a  little sneaky and quite the tease reminding us of Moriarty's "Did you miss me?" scene from the end of Series 3, Episode 3. And naturally, my whole twitter timeline was blowing up along with the Sherlock fandom.

Soon after a long wait, and I mean loooong wait, it was announced that the official announcement would be announced the following day, which was Thursday, at 2:21pm. (I like what they did there! ;)). Unfortunately for me, I was away from any means of access to twitter at that time so had to wait till I got home to see what the announcement was.

I jumped on twitter the second I could and it was announced that the game is on for Sherlock Series 4 for 2015 including a special. This basically means that we can definitely look forward to more Sherlock goodness but we do will have to wait at least another year and a half! The Special is assumed to be broadcasted around Christmas of 2015 followed by three episodes in the following start of the year similar to what we had for Series 3.

But by golly, my timeline was full of the Sherlock fandom exploding which is no exaggeration and a massive understatement. I was just swimming in memes.

Non-Sherlockians Reaction Vs The Entire Sherlock Fandom
 Non-Sherlockian: Relax, it's just a TV show.
Sherlock Fandom:

Fandom Aftershock:
And the wallpaper we all love:
(Tweeted by @arwelwjones who is the Production Designer on BBC's Sherlock)

I have seen people complain about the long wait, but I actually quite enjoy the hiatus - dare I say it! I feel like the anticipation of it all adds to the hysteria that Sherlock creates and makes it that bit more exciting when new episodes do air. Moftiss are definitively doing that right despite giving the fandom severe palpations in anticipation of it all!

Wait, what do I wear?? 
And finally, it has actually just dawned upon me that Graduation is fast approaching and I have not got the slightest clue what to wear!

I've never been to someone's graduation, nor do I really know anyone who has graduated. As the oldest in my family, I am the first to graduate so it's quite the new experience for us all!

I did a bit of a Google on what we females would typically wear to graduation to give myself a bit of an idea and the general consensus seems to be a white blouse and a pencil skirt. Now I don't own either or even wear pencil skirts for that matter, so I've been browsing pictures of people who have graduated. I think as long as I look smart, I should be okay. I do have quite a collection of smart clothes as I've always had to dress smartly during particular events during university, so it shouldn't really be too much of a problem to dig something acceptable out to wear.

Anyways, I'll be sure to report back once I've decided!

Thanks for reading!
Take care and keep smiling Sherlockians as we will survive this hiatus together!
Much love, Skeena xxxx

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